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Saturday of the Twenty First Week in Ordinary Time

Writer's picture: PAPA MioPAPA Mio

Gospel Mt 25:14-30

Jesus told his disciples this parable: "A man going on a journey called in his servants and entrusted his possessions to them. To one he gave five talents; to another, two; to a third, one– to each according to his ability. Then he went away. Immediately the one who received five talents went and traded with them, and made another five. Likewise, the one who received two made another two. But the man who received one went off and dug a hole in the ground and buried his master's money. After a long time the master of those servants came back and settled accounts with them. The one who had received five talents came forward bringing the additional five. He said, 'Master, you gave me five talents. See, I have made five more.' His master said to him, 'Well done, my good and faithful servant. Since you were faithful in small matters, I will give you great responsibilities. Come, share your master's joy.' Then the one who had received two talents also came forward and said, 'Master, you gave me two talents. See, I have made two more.' His master said to him, 'Well done, my good and faithful servant. Since you were faithful in small matters, I will give you great responsibilities. Come, share your master's joy.' Then the one who had received the one talent came forward and said, 'Master, I knew you were a demanding person, harvesting where you did not plant and gathering where you did not scatter; so out of fear I went off and buried your talent in the ground. Here it is back.' His master said to him in reply, 'You wicked, lazy servant! So you knew that I harvest where I did not plant and gather where I did not scatter? Should you not then have put my money in the bank so that I could have got it back with interest on my return? Now then! Take the talent from him and give it to the one with ten. For to everyone who has, more will be given and he will grow rich; but from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away. And throw this useless servant into the darkness outside, where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth.'"


The master in the parable entrusts something valuable to his servants. What is our God-given “talent” God is expecting us to use, for the purpose of giving him back more than what we received? We may not be given much to begin with, but as we use these gifts, we know the master expects us to increase these valuable gifts.

Have you ever considered the heart being worth many talents; to love, to care, or to have compassion? God gives us the ability to love others enough to give our precious time to someone who needs an ear or an extra hand. He sends us the “talent” to console those suffering. Our “talents” could be spent praying and sacrificing for others in need. The more we use this gift wisely, the more he will entrust to us.

If we live in fear as the last servant who was given little, our talent will never grow or be fruitful. It is easy to let fear stunt our love for others and feed our own pride. It is easy to turn away from the possibility to help someone, allowing fear to keep our hearts within ourselves. If we live by fear, we won’t have anything more to give back to God than what he gave us.

As we spend the talent God gives us by loving others, Jesus will look upon us and say, “Well done, my good and faithful servant…Come, share your master’s joy.”

PAPA Foundation
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