In Silence, may we meditate on the death of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
MY LORD AND MY GOD, JESUS CHRIST, * I surrender everything to you-* all that I am-* all that I have-* and all that I am striving to be. * I open my heart to you, Lord. * Please send your Holy Spirit into me and dwell in me. * I submit myself to you, Lord: * I offer you my life, * my heart, * my mind, * my body, * my soul, * my spirit, * my hopes, * my plans and * my dreams. * I surrender to You my past, * present * and future problems, * habits, * defects, * attitudes, * livelihood, * resources,* finances, * medical coverages, * occupation and * all my relationships. * I give you my health, * my physical appearance, * my disabilities, * my family, * my marriage, * my children and friendships. * I ask you to take Lordship over every aspect of my life. * I surrender to you all my hurt, * my pain, * my worry, * my doubt, * my fear and anxiety. * Please make me clean, O Lord. * I release everything into your compassionate care. * Please speak to me clearly, Lord. * Open my ears to hear your voice. * Open my heart to feel your love. * Help me to feel your loving presence. * Open the heavenly gates of your grace * and shut down all the source of my vice. * Set my heart upon you alone. * Lead me into your Sacred Heart, Lord. * Inflame my heart with the fire of your love. * Make me love you as you love me!* Amen.
(Prayer recited during Father Michael J. Truong Luan Nguyen healing service)
My Jesus, I am so sorry.
God Bless