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The Grace of Gratitude


November has always been the hardest month for me. My father died on November 24, 1978, one day after Thanksgiving.

As my PAPA family shared their many thanksgivings, I reflected on my blessings—Reminded that all that I have are gifts from God meant to be shared with all. 

I would like to share one of my gifts….. 

In 1984, I was blessed with another pregnancy. Having married late in life (30) I kept begging God for one more child and my prayers were answered. As with my other pregnancies I consecrated my baby to Mother Mary and her son, the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

In my eighth month of pregnancy on November 26, I made an unforgivable mistake and did not wear my seat belt.  I was stopped at a red light when I was hit from behind by a speeding car.  

After the impact I found myself under the steering wheel and my gift from God was now a little bulge on my right side of my abdomen.

I got myself out from under the steering wheel . I knew my son was dead.  

God knew otherwise.

—Michael Joseph  was delivered by emergency C section with an apgar of 2 and later 9.  My husband was working in Louisiana and my mother was helping with my other 2 children. I was totally alone in the hospital room but always  had the presence of my Mother Mary and Jesus Christ.

And there was a calm that all was okay!

Thank you, God, for ransoming your gift, my son and I will forever be reminded of your  great deeds and I promise to serve you til the end of time.

I believe PAPA is my way of serving God, my Father, in gratitude for His merciful compassionate love when He saw my tears.

PAPA Foundation
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