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Solemnity of All Saints

MaryCarmen Knox

November 1st is the Solemnity of All Saints. A Feast of the highest rank. Having a Vigil and an Octave.

For each of these eight days, from November 1st to the 8th, you can receive for yourself ONE PLENARY INDULGENCE*. Once you receive it, you can give it away to any soul in purgatory.

All of us should take this opportunity to pray for and receive the PLENARY INDULGENCE for our Beloved.

How many Catholics do not know about this privilege, and miss on this great opportunity?

To obtain a Plenary Indulgence for yourself and a soul in purgatory, you need to fulfill the following requirements:

  1. Go to Confession within 8 days (before of after) the pious act.

  2. Attend Mass and receive Holy Communion - ON THAT DAY.

  3. Pray for the Intention of our Holy Father with:

  • One Our Father

  • One Hail Mary

  • The Apostles' Creed.

  • Other prayers may be added.

  1. VISIT A CATHOLIC CEMETERY and pray for the souls departed.

We should take advantage of this great privilege. Especially since the souls in purgatory CAN pray for you as well.

These souls have nothing to do in purgatory, except to pray.

* What is a Plenary Indulgence?

An Indulgence is defined as “the remission before God of the temporal punishment due for sins already forgiven." (CCC 1471)

The first thing to note is that forgiveness of a sin is separate from punishment for the sin.

Through sacramental confession, we obtain forgiveness, but we still have to purge for their consequences. This is called Temporal Punishment due to sin. (CCC 1471)

PAPA Foundation
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