As Catholics we are always learning about our faith and its liturgical celebrations.We are fortunate that our Spiritual Advisor, Father Michael, is present to us for the many questions we ask.
Last week one of our member's father died. During the discussion before bible study (FACE ZBS) we were taught by Father Michael as to why the Church does what it does during the funeral mass. First we were instructed between the difference of a funeral mass and a memorial mass. It is a must for the body to be present for the Funeral Mass.
If the body is cremated then there no longer can be a funeral mass. It is then called a memorial mass. The ritual of the funeral mass was explained along with the importance of the body, the altar, the empty tomb, the linens and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and His Resurrection.
Five days later, one of our members asked the following question:
May a baptized non-Catholic have a Catholic Funeral Mass and a Catholic burial?
Father Michael responded accordingly:
Why? They are not in communion with the Catholic Church.
If someone does it, that person either does not know and understand the meaning of the Eucharist or is just ignorant.
Nonetheless, we could celebrate a Mass to pray for them.
Ask yourself this:
Does the baptized non-Catholic acknowledge the Real Presence of the Lord GOD Jesus in the Holy Eucharist?
Does that person acknowledge the Priesthood?
Does that person acknowledge the POPE as the Vicar of Christ on earth?
If not and I suppose, not, then why would there be a Catholic Mass?
If the priest allows it, we must apply the art of critical thinking: why?
Has the FUNERAL MASS now become a mere ritual service like that of the Protestant?
Critically speaking, are we not reducing the HOLY SACRIFICE OF JESUS at MASS into a mere prayer service?
Remember: Protestants reject the Holy Mass as a sacrifice. Therefore they only have a symbolic meal service and a sharing of the Word and prayers.
Suppose a priest allows it, it will definitely cause confusion.
This could be considered a LITURGICAL ABUSE.
Pax Corpus Christi