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Olivia M. Bannan


A reading of the holy Gospel according to LK 12:54-59

Jesus said to the crowds, “When you see a cloud rising in the west you say immediately that it is going to rain–and so it does; and when you notice that the wind is blowing from the south you say that it is going to be hot–and so it is. You hypocrites! You know how to interpret the appearance of the earth and the sky; why do you not know how to interpret the present time? “Why do you not judge for yourselves what is right? If you are to go with your opponent before a magistrate, make an effort to settle the matter on the way; otherwise your opponent will turn you over to the judge, and the judge hand you over to the constable, and the constable throw you into prison. I say to you, you will not be released until you have paid the last penny.”

The Gospel of the Lord


“Why do you not judge for yourselves what is right?

In 2005, ten days before giant waves slammed into Sri Lanka and India, wild and domestic animals began acting differently. Elephants screamed and ran into higher ground, dogs refused to go outdoors, and zoo animals refused to leave their shelter. Over 150,000 people died from this Tsunami. Experts believe that animals have acute hearing and can be aware of impending disaster before humans realize it.

A mother can tell when her child is not acting right. Through experience or that "sixth sense" she can predict by how they dress, act, look and overall conduct themselves that there are problems or a pending bad situation if there is no intervention. The maternal "antennas" go up and a list of wrongs make it to the forefront of worry and prayer.

Modern technology can predict tempests and quakes. But how good are we at discerning spiritual trouble and disaster. It can be so subtle but so deadly.

Are we too busy listening to false prophets, watching worldly shows, believing the cancel culture and going along with the majority so as not to offend? Do we wish to be liked and so tolerate the ramblings of an abortionist, a priest who seems lost or follow the trend of the modern world of 2022?

Knowing the Word of God, praying and clinging to Mary and Jesus, should help us judge what is right. FACEZBS (zoom bible study) is a wonderful way to hear correctly the Word of God as explained by a theologian and our spiritual advisor, Father Michael. Being with kindred spirits, praying without ceasing, daily Mass and time with Jesus at the Blessed Sacrament will help us stay on the straight but narrow road. With the many graces received as we seek God, the better we will be at defending our faith, conviction of truth and the ability to speak up.

We never know when God will call us. Best to be prepared and ready when that time comes.

God Bless You


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