May is here!!
So many beautiful memories growing up—the smell of gardenias, the May pole, the daily rosaries, the devotion to Mother Mary and of course, the May crowning. Many happy events in May—the flowers are blooming, first communions, graduations, end of the school year, graduates from college beginning new lives, family vacations and the anticipation of spending more time outdoors. May is always my favorite month. The air is crisp in the morning and evening and so there is more walking.
It is also the Month of Mary.
But why is May Mary’s month? The Catholic Church has set aside the entire month of May to honor Mary, Mother of God.
The ancient Greeks and Romans celebrated May to the goddesses for new beginnings. In medieval times, May 1 was considered the “expulsion of winter” and new growth.
In baroque times (1600-1750), thirty daily spiritual exercises honoring Mary began. There were special devotions set aside each day throughout the month.
The ways Mary is honored in May is as varied as the people who honor her. It’s common for parishes to have a daily recitation of the Rosary during May. The custom of May Crowning is also celebrated with the beautiful flowers representing Mary’s beauty and virtue.
Many of us have praying areas where we have a special altar or special place to pray. May I suggest a special May altar for Mary. Find her a special spot in your home and in your heart. Crown her with your beautiful flowers and replace her crown of thorns with a beautiful bouquet.
Mary is Mother – my mother and yours. She cares and intercedes for all of us daily without fail. She deserves an entire month in her honor.
Please share your family or church traditions during May, the Month of Mary.
God Bless You