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Writer's picture: Maria KnoxMaria Knox

A Gospel according to Jn 13:16-20

When Jesus had washed the disciples’ feet, he said to them:

“Amen, amen, I say to you, no slave is greater than his master

nor any messenger greater than the one who sent him.

If you understand this, blessed are you if you do it.

I am not speaking of all of you.

I know those whom I have chosen.

But so that the Scripture might be fulfilled,

The one who ate my food has raised his heel against me.

From now on I am telling you before it happens,

so that when it happens you may believe that I AM.

Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever receives the one I send

receives me, and whoever receives me receives the one who sent me.

REFLECTION: "Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever receives the one I send receives me, and whoever receives me receives the one who sent me."

Over 700 years ago God sent a lay person, St. Catherine of Siena, to help reunite His divided Church, and ask Pope Gregory XI to return to Rome.

We can read many things about this wonderful saint: Dominican tertiary, mystic... She helped spread the Gospel, and at the same time was firm about the injustices happening in the Church.

We can look at her as an aid when we feel desperate because of covid regulations. St. Catherine also lived through a plague, and spent a long time as a recluse. Her self-imposed isolation helped her spend more time contemplating and praying, and brought her closer to Christ. Yet, she also found ways to help those less fortunate during those trying days.

She was not an educated person. In fact, we think she might have been an analphabet, and dictated her writings. And despite this she became a Doctor of the Church.

She was a powerful woman, yet, she was always humble. Because she did everything for the love of God and neighbor.

When she was a young girl (6 or 7), she had her first vision of Jesus. She saw Him dressed as the Pope. This inspired her to serve the Vicar of Christ in any way she could. She became a counselor for kings, priests, and bishops. She even counseled both Pope Gregory XI and Pope Urban VI.

She teaches us that as a lay person, we can have an impact with our religious leaders. This doesn't mean we charge into their offices making demands. We must first and foremost pray for them. In our PAPA treasury we have the wonderful Prayer for Priests, which we pray daily for them, so they can be another Christ for us.

We can also reach out to them, to make sure they are okay. And if there is disagreement with something they are doing, we can pray for them, and then reach out with a humble and honest heart. We do all in charity, for our neighbors, for love of the priesthood, and love of Christ, who Himself established the sacred orders.

Please keep your priests in your prayers every day. And let's ask for St. Catherine's intercession for our Church, the Pope, and all our priests, bishops, and cardinals, "that they may never do anything in the slightest degree, unworthy of their sublime vocation."

God bless y'all!



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