The mother of Jesus and his brothers came to himbut were unable to join him because of the crowd.He was told, “Your mother and your brothers are standing outsideand they wish to see you.”He said to them in reply, “My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and act on it.”
He said to them in reply, “My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and act on it.”
Are you a good listener?
"The word "listen" or "hear" appears 278 times throughout the books of the Bible." If a command is given this often, then it must be important to do it.
So what are the qualities of a good listener?
1) Patient - He lets the speaker take their time.
2) Attentive. He looks the speaker in the eyes.
3) He"chews on the words." Reflects on them.
4) He will "spit back the words he chewed on." Or paraphrase what was said to clarify what he heard.
5) He asks questions without interrupting the speaker.
Listening is loving. It is "Organizing love; organizing charity."
Throughout the Old Testament, God heard his people. He heard their praises, their prayers, and their "grumblings." In the New Testament, Jesus listens to the people and answers them. He wanted them to listen or hear His Words. Discern His Will and that of His Father.
Listen to the Word of God in the readings at Mass and listen to the homily with purpose. Be a good listener. Chew on the words. Ask questions about what you hear. What is the main point of the reading or homily? "Spit back the words you chewed on." Then ask, 'So what does it have to do with me?"
Join us for FACE ZBS (Face-to-Face Zoom Bible Study). We will resume our studies in October. Here is one of our latest FACE ZBS lessons. Hope to see you soon!