The Sermon on the Mount takes place shortly after Jesus began His public ministry. He calls us to be perfect and the beatitudes lay out the path to holiness and how to reach the glory of heaven. The beatitudes are the road map but they call for a total change in our minds, hearts and actions.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church is the best way to learn about what we are taught. The chapters 1716-1729, explain what is very difficult to understand about the Beatitudes and the challenges we face.
Perfection is what awaits us if we embrace the Beatitudes. They are the heart of Jesus' preaching. The Beatitudes fulfill the promises made to the chosen people since Abraham. What is emphasized is that the Beatitudes depict the countenance of Jesus Christ and portray His charity. God, in His goodness, placed a desire for happiness in the human heart. (CCC)
Through prayer and meditations we can understand the full meaning of each of these invitations.