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St. Gerard was a member of St. Alphonsus’ community, the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, or better known as the Redemptorists.

He was born frail and sickly. He began at the age of 5 spending all day at church visiting the Blessed Sacrament. He had many blessings of which one was that he would bring home bread for his family to have. When his mother asked him how he got it, he answered, “A most beautiful boy gave it to me.” This did not make any sense to the parents. His sister, Elizabeth, decided she would get to the bottom of it, and so she followed him to the church one day. She watched him kneeling and praying before a statue of the Blessed Mother and the Child Jesus in Her arms. As she continued to spy on her brother, an astounding thing happened. An ordinary act became extraordinary. The Child Jesus came down from His Mother’s arms and began to play with little Gerard. Elizabeth thought her heart would burst, when, after a little time passed, the Child Jesus gave Gerard a loaf of bread and returned to the loving arms of His Mother.

Lord, Bob and Penny . Saint Gerard Majella . Journeys of Faith. Kindle Edition.

Please join and pray Day 5 Novena to St Gerard Majella here.


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