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Olivia M. Bannan

Fatima was easy to find in the Portuguese map after 1917. The Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to three children--Jacinta, Francisco and Lucia in a cove, every thirteenth day of the month beginning May and ending in October.

The children were tending the family sheep. Our Lady, the Mother of God, also known as Our Lady of Fatima, visited them On May 13, 1917. With World War I at the cusp of her visit, she told the children that world peace would occur if they spread the message of prayer.

The children made sacrifices to save sinners and prayed a daily rosary. On June 13th they were told to add the Fatima prayer at the end of each decade.

The Fatima Prayer:

O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, and lead all souls to Heaven, especially those in most need of Thy mercy.

On July 13th, Our Lady showed the children hell and prophesied World War II and the persecution of Christians in Russia.

On August 13th, the children were kidnapped by the police in an attempt to force them to say the apparitions were a hoax. A few days later she appeared asking them to pray for sinners.

On September 13th, the fifth apparition, Our Lady appeared and white rose petals fell from the sky. The petals disappeared when touched. This was witnessed by a crowd. When Lucia requested a curing for the sick, Mary answered that God could not cure those who were not healed.

On October 13th, there were 70,000 people present--some believers, some skeptics--It had been raining and after the rain stopped, the ground became dry. The sun began "dancing around" and “zig zagging” in the sky. It flew closer to the earth and then jumped back to the sky. Many saw this sign and believed.

In 2017, Pope Francis canonized Francisco and Jacinto Mirto. Lucia died in 2005.

The children received three secrets.

Secret 1--Hell is real and a horrible place where sinners' souls burn. To save these souls, acts of prayer and sacrifice were necessary. Devotion to Mary through daily rosaries was encouraged for these souls.

Secret 2--Prophecy of the end of WWI but WWII would happen if sinning continued.

Secret 3--In 2000 Pope John Paul II released the third secret. There would be renewed persecution of christians. The failed assassination attempt of Pope John Paul II was prophesied. He was shot on May 13, 1981, at St Peter's Square in Vatican City by Mehmet Ali Agca. Pope John Paul II placed the bullet in the crown of Our Lady of Fatima and the statue is in Fatima. He said Mother Mary saved his life.

Fatima‘s message is simple. Pray for sinners and make reparations for offenses to Mary and her Son Jesus:

On March 25, 1984, Pope John Paul II publicly consecrated to Our Lady of Fatima in St Peter’s Square to fulfill Mary’s request.


Franciscan Media (internet)

Walsh, William, Our Lady of Fatima, 1947



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