PAPA ( Priest Always-Prayer Apostolate) was founded with the Vision "To see priests on fire for Jesus and the Church, the Body and Bride of Christ”. Our mission is to "Go out and make disciples of all nations; behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age." (Matthew 28:18, 20) Our philosophy or rule of life is to Pray, Serve and Bless.
PAPA prays for the end of abortion and serves our brothers and sisters in need; not only spiritually but nutritionally with food and potable water. Saint Mother Teresa inspires us with her quote of “ Love to be true has to begin with God in prayer. If we pray, we will be able to serve...Let us all promise that we will give our hands to serve the poor”.
This is the blessing of having PAPA and with prayers God has manifested His LOVE through our PAPA JOE project. Being servants to our Almighty Eternal God and looking at the face of Christ in each of the people in need has been a blessing to us. Giving our hands to our Holy Spirit to do His work, we can feed our hungry priests, help them feed their communities with malnourished babies, kids, youth, families, and elderly in poverty.
And so we pray for our shepherds, especially in these days of trial. We have the opportunity to send foods to those in need. Discover the power and unfailing reward for saying YES to physically helping our PAPA priests in great need. The priests urgently beg us for help Now. They beg for their people, most of whom have no food, no potable water, no income and no hope.
Being a PAPA member has nourished us in love of GOD. Priests are a valuable treasure that God has given us to protect and not to judge. Priests sacrifice every single day. So, this is why our prayers for priests are very important. Our prayers can motivate us to act, to find concrete ways to help, especially the poor who are ignored in a selfish society.
Christ Himself has given us the mandate to feed the hungry. We will never outdo God; however, and so rewards will be heaped upon us, “in good measure and flowing over!” (Luke 6: 38)
PAPA is bringing us together to find Jesus in each of us.