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Prayer Intentions for the Week of January 10th through January 16th, 2021

"Prayer is the key that opens heaven; the favors we ask descend upon us the very instant our prayers ascend to God."

~ St. Augustine

So with faith, hope, desire and love please pray for our PAPA petitions. Pray continuously BJ prayer--day and night.

Please let us know if you no longer need prayers. Please add any prayer petitions throughout the week at our website under prayer intentions. If a prayer request has been removed and the prayers are still needed, please let us know. Prayer Petitions can be found under News at Please join in praying for the following intentions:

Please pray for Health:

  • Nellyna Christensen, PAPA member

  • Philip Okeke, PAPA member

  • For Tere, PAPA member, who is undergoing chemotherapy.

  • Cindy Junek, friend of PAPA, multiple myeloma and Covid

  • Father Michael J. Truongluan, C.Ss.R., PAPA's Spiritual Advisor, recovering from Covid

  • Father Tokha Thomas Hoang, PAPA Priest, recovering from Covid

  • Father Thomas Ha, PAPA Priest,recovering from Covid

  • Father Peter, Redemptorist in California, hospitalized with COVID

  • Father Peter C.Ss.R, also in California and hospitalized with COVID.

  • Father John Baptist C.Ss.R., sick with COVID.

  • Father Michael Son C.Ss.R., sick with COVID.

  • Sandra Del Bufalo, PAPA member, weight loss and abdominal pain.

  • For Teresa Kocian's husband, Eldon, and her daughters, Laura and Debra and their families, with Covid

  • George Nwanguma, husband of Grace Nwanguma, member, brain tumor and prostate issues.

  • Thelma Shelton’ son-in-law, Jose, who has a growth on his bladder and for her family.


Please pray for Bishop Brenden Cahill, PAPA Bishop, while he makes his Ignatian retreat this month.


Pray for the repose of the soul of Brother Jean Marie Vianney, C.Ss.R.

Pray for the repose of the soul of Jim Jones, husband of PAPA Member Patricia Jones.


Thanksgiving for the health of my PAPA FAMILY AND MY FAMILY.


Repentance, Patience, Humility, the Bishops, the Holy Father, Clergy and Religious

For the United States

For the end of Abortion

For all first responders

PAPA Family, here are some suggested prayers and offerings to pray for above intentions: One Our Father; Hail Mary; Glory Be; Offer a Mass ; One hour of Adoration ; Rosary; BJ Prayer, or any other prayers and sacrifices God Bless You


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