St Angela Merici
Brescia, Italy
"he knows not how"
"he knows not how"
Have you been in a situation that you wished you could get out of? Have you accepted work or a project and felt you had taken on too much and most of your time was spent undoing your mistakes or looking for ways to gracefully save face and quit?
In Hebrews we are told to "not throw away our confidence". Endure to do the will of God and receive what He has promised.
This is where it gets tricky. Did I ask God to help me discern? Did I do catholic critical thinking before jumping into projects or work before I said, "Yes"? Many times the decision is made in my little head without thinking of what God wants and that is when I find myself in trouble. And many times I pray Psalm 68, "Save me, O God, for the waters have risen to my neck."
In today's Gospel, Jesus tells us the parable of the man scattering seed on the land and while he sleeps the seed sprouts and grows. He knows not how! So we strife in our day to day work and allow the graces of God to pour out on our lives. If He wanted it to be, He will be a part of our endeavors. In fact, the Holy Spirit will take over. We just do our best and share with others our Father in all we do.
St Angela Merici is a good example of one who did not throw away her confidence. She was a tertiary Franciscan, a companion for a widow and a spiritual advisor to those in need. While on a pilgrimage in 1524 she was struck with blindness. She continued on with her pilgrimage, praying and while praying before a crucifix her sight was restored.
She founded the Order of St Ursula at the age of 60. The mission of the Ursuline nuns was to educate young girls, teach them about Christianity and good works and instruct them in the path of Christian discipleship. Her mission spread worldwide over 30 countries. She was canonized by Pope Pius VII in 1807.