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Spiritual Communion

Questions to Father Michael J. Truongluan Nguyen, C.Ss.R., PAPA spiritual director

Questions by Member: Can you please explain to us about "Spiritual Communion"? In the case where we can't physically receive Holy Communion and have to stay home and watch Holy Mass on TV?

Father Michael:

Yours is a great question for those who are unable to attend Mass during this trying time.

You could watch TV and receive SPIRITUAL HOLY COMMUNION.

Remember the following Liturgical Law:



The Law of Prayer is the Law of Faith.

Here are some implications of this Spiritual Law:

It means

(1) Whatever you pray, you believe.

(2) Whatever you believe, you will pray.

(3) Whatever you believe and pray for, you will live it.

(4) However you live your life, that will be the way you believe and pray.

(5) More importantly, when you pray, you acquire faith.

(6) When you pray, you are instructed in faith.

(7) Without prayer, you will not obtain faith.

(8) Without faith, you will not be saved; you will lose your soul.

(9) Thus Saint Alphonsus Liguori teaches that those who pray will be saved; those who don't are lost.

You find the Holy Doctor's teaching in the Catechism of the Catholic Church number 2744.

Now Saint Alphonsus recommends to pray the following prayer to receive SPIRITUAL HOLY COMMUNION. "My Jesus, I believe that you are in the Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things, and I long for you in my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. As though you have already come, I embrace you and unite myself entirely to you; never permit me to be separated from you. Amen."

Here is what you are to do:

(1) Say the prayer with all sincerity of your heart. Trust and open up to the grace of the Eucharistic Lord. (2) Meditate on the meaning and implications of the prayer. Remember this prayer teaches faith and love.

Pax Christi all y'all.

PAPA Foundation
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