Paschal candle is the first candle to be lit with a flame from the Easter vigil sacred fire. It represents the light of Christ coming into the world.
"But whoever lives the truth comes to the light,
so that his works may be clearly seen as done in God."
"Be my help, do not desert me." (Psalm 27:9) I pray this Psalm throughout the day for the everyday stuff: can't figure out where to find something on Word, dinner is not looking too appealing, cannot understand what the Scripture says, stumbling over my words when talking to others about my faith are some examples. In daily life I am aware of my need for God and that He is always present even for the small stuff.
"Whoever lives the truth comes to the light, so that his works may be clearly seen as done in God." The Paschal candle lit during Easter reminds us of our ransom, His love, our eternity. We are drawn to the light by the many graces we receive through the Holy Spirit.
This light helps us to love. There is no greater pleasure than to be in the company of someone we love. With love comes trust, respect for the other, and a very personal relationship. So, yes, my light is present with me whether at Church, at home or at work. He is present in the mundane, in spiritual consolations, trials and fears.
We are so blessed that our true love is present for us physically at the Blessed Sacrament. We can rest on His bosom as did the disciple who Jesus loved. We can discern our problems and decisions with Him. We take delight and take refuge in that light that beckons us 24/7. Seek the light and find the tenderness of His love. Mother Mary, the mediatrix of graces, is always present with Jesus.
Come to the light. Be a luminary for others.
God Bless You