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Olivia M. Bannan


"The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest."


Happy Father's Day

"That is not my job description" is said more times than it should. Yes, of course, without schooling and training, we can't be lawyers, dentists, doctors, plumbers, priests, nurses or pharmacists to name a few professions.

But can we work for the Lord? Be His laborers for His harvest? I always took this request by God to be a prayer for vocations with the attitude it was "not my job description".

If He did not think we were qualified why would He ask us, perhaps beg us to work for Him? Many of us don't make eye contact when asked to volunteer or help. We find excuses and we justify by saying, I don't want to do it or I am not qualified to evangelize, I am not organized, I am too old, retired, see no future (....) You can add your excuse because we all have one, in fact, a favorite one,

Either our apostolate is going to be fruitful or barren. So how do we respond to God's calling?

Here are some examples:

1. Show our faith and love by example.

2. Ask the Holy Spirit for the zeal to do God's work.

3. Pass the news of your faith to others.

4. Make friends with kindred souls. Work with them.

5. Know and understand the vision and mission of PAPA . Know why PAPA is needed?

6. Miss no opportunity to grow your faith and to show others through love and kindness why we pray for priests.

7. Bear witness to all--volunteer to do. Don't quit.

8. Pick up a book on apologetics, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, read books on the saints to improve our understanding of our faith.

9. Ask Mother Mary and Jesus for the faith, diligence, perseverance, hope and love to be an effective worker.

10. Most important: find time to converse with God. Not gossip, murmur or complain but fix your heart on Jesus. Say to Him, "I am here".

Live your ordinary life with joy, striving to improve in the tasks set before us by God.

God bless you


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