"They will do this because they have not known either the Father or me."
Many times I have judged a person by outward appearances, or by how I would respond in a situation.
I look back now and wonder how much harm I do to others by how I speak to them or treat them. How can I evangelize through my actions when my thoughts and words get in the way? People can feel contempt, hear patronizing words, or feel neglected by the "too hurried" words spoken or "little white lies".
I volunteered to work at a local thrift store where people came to get food, ask for help in rent, or shopped through the piles of used clothing and shoes. It was my first day and several ladies were showing me the routine in checking clients out.
Some of what was donated to that place should probably have been thrown away, but I suppose, we feel that someone might still find use for them and hope that the donation place will throw them out if they don't meet standards.
There was a rule that only 6 items of clothing could be given out to one person. Mind you, there were two rooms of clothing/toys/shoes and more donations were coming through.
A young mother with family in tow was checking out with 7 used t-shirts. And she was told quite brusquely and loudly by the helper that she had to return one t-shirt. The look on the client's face, whether it was embarrassment or hurt or worn out from fatigue, still reminds me how not to speak to one another. I can't judge the motives of the person working there, but God's love was not felt by me during that encounter and I wonder if the mother felt love at all.
We are to spread the Word of God in actions, deeds and in words. How we speak, how we treat and how we listen to one another can be a reason that many will not know either the Father or Jesus.
Be kind in your words. Remember it is Jesus standing there in the food line waiting to be served.