Jn 17:20-26
Lifting up his eyes to heaven, Jesus prayed saying:
"I pray not only for these,
but also for those who will believe in me through their word,
so that they may all be one,
as you, Father, are in me and I in you,
that they also may be in us,
that the world may believe that you sent me.
And I have given them the glory you gave me,
so that they may be one, as we are one,
I in them and you in me,
that they may be brought to perfection as one,
that the world may know that you sent me,
and that you loved them even as you loved me.
Father, they are your gift to me.
I wish that where I am they also may be with me,
that they may see my glory that you gave me,
because you loved me before the foundation of the world.
Righteous Father, the world also does not know you,
but I know you, and they know that you sent me.
I made known to them your name and I will make it known,
that the love with which you loved me
may be in them and I in them."
"Father, they are your gift to me."
These words help me to see how much Jesus loves not only us, but His Father. He has a profound respect for everything His Father sets before him. A gift is something we do not ask for, but something given. It is our reaction to the gift that can tell a lot about ourselves.
Thank you Jesus for accepting the gift the Father has given you. Thank you also for praying for this gift, praying for us to have unity in You and the Father. Jesus prays for all who will believe in him here. We are important to him.
If we look at this and see that Jesus has set an example for us, then we should also pray for each other. With all the differences of opinions and personalities, it can be hard to get along. Let us pray for eachother, for unity in Jesus Christ.