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True Life Story

Ify Nwanolude

It started when I was a teenager still on my college days. I didn’t go to Church, or knew about God.

One day inside a beauty salon where we used to gossip about people, a lady came in and started talking about the Virgin Mary. People inside the salon did not believe her and started making fun of her.

I told them to stop it, but they started laughing at me because they knew that I was not a strong Christian.

This lady invited me to her house. Once there, she told me about Our Lady, and how she wants us to pray the rosary always, go to Church, help the poor, and offer masses for souls in purgatory.

I gave her money to offer masses for souls in purgatory she told me that the money will be enough for nine days novena mass. I continued offering novena masses thru this woman.

One day, she told me "you have offered a lot of masses but I have never ween you at Church. The souls in purgatory will like to see you in Church".

I asked her if they would know if I was to come to Church, and she said yes.

I started going to church daily and prayed. I also prayed in front of statue of St Anthony of Padua and promised to always help the poor.

One day, walking back from school, I was tired, thirsty and hungry. I bought a chilled bottled water.

While holding the bottle with my hand, a beggar sitting on the floor grabbed the bottle.

I became very angry and snatched the water from him, and smashed it on the road.

As I boarded a bus to go home, I remembered my promise to St Anthony of Padua and the Lord to help the poor.

I got off the bus, and bought several bottles of water and went back to the spot where the beggar was sitting.

Unfortunately, I did not see him anymore, and started sharing the water to all beggars around the place.

There was a Catholic Church near this place. Entered the Church, and kneeled in front of a statue of St Anthony of Padua.

And feeling so guilty, started to cry.

PAPA Foundation
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