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Writer's picture:  Olivia M. Bannan Olivia M. Bannan


Mt 11:25-27

At that time Jesus exclaimed:

“I give praise to you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth,

for although you have hidden these things

from the wise and the learned

you have revealed them to the childlike.

Yes, Father, such has been your gracious will.

All things have been handed over to me by my Father.

No one knows the Son except the Father,

and no one knows the Father except the Son

and anyone to whom the Son wishes to reveal him.”


you have revealed them to the childlike

Penelope day is celebrated on July 16th. Eight years ago my granddaughter was born. This year we came up to visit, celebrate and enjoy her birthday. She goes to art camp and was all excited about her presents and taking cupcakes to her class. However, she insisted carrying the cupcakes and before making it to the car she dropped them. Some of the icing was smudged but the cupcakes were salvaged. However, she cried and said she was not taking them to her class. So on the way to the school, her grandfather played soft music and we left her alone.

When we arrived she was in a good mood, laughing and happy. She did not want to take the cupcakes. Her grandfather, with gentle cajoling, told her that the kids would enjoy them as she would enjoy getting cupcakes from a classmate when it was their birthday. Penelope was insistent that she would not take the cupcakes to her class. Her decision was made.

Reading the Gospel, I cannot help but notice the message that only the childlike are able to accept the great things of God, with wonder, forgetting the past and moving on with the present. She moved beyond her disappointment and was filled with joy at going to art camp.

If only we could live without regrets, anger, vengeance, and worries about things we have no control over. If our lives could but reflect the patience and mercy of God, tolerating and cajoling us through all our human troubles and rebellions, we can then see, hear and even feel the love He has for each and every one of us.

God Bless You



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